DETAILS: After having 2 very successful “Your Work” shows, we have decided to host “Mini Your Work ’08.” Join us for the opening reception where you can help promote your small works to the public. Prizes will be awarded during the opening reception on November 13, 2008. Great discounts will be given to all submitting artists. Sales of the mini works will be in cash or check only with the total amount of the purchase price going directly to you.
ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists of any level. Submissions must have been created in the last 5 years. Artwork cannot exceed 7 inches in either height or width (including matting and framing). Largest accepted work will be 7”x7”. Artwork must be appropriate for all ages. Artwork must be hand delivered, no shipped entries. Artwork must be easy to hang.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Artist may submit up to four entries with a non-refundable entry fee of $2 per piece (cash, check, or credit cards, no money orders). Actual art can be submitted to Utrecht Art Supplies during normal store hours from October 26 to November 8, 2008. You will be supplied with an entry form when you drop off your artwork. Each piece needs to have a sale price or be marked “NFS” (not for sale).
PRIZES: There will be four prizes: First Place $35 gift card, Second Place $25 gift card, Third Place $15 gift card, and Community Pick $30 gift card.
October 25 thru November 8, 2008 - Hand deliver artwork during normal business hours
November 9, 2008 - Notification of acceptance/rejection (decisions are non-negotiable)
November 8-13, 2008 - Judging for Community Pick Winner
November 9-13, 2008 - Pick up for non-selected submissions
November 13, 2008 - Opening reception and awards presentation
December 5-9, 2008 - Hand retrieval of artwork during normal store hours