As you all know, this weekend is the Sparx Gallery Hop! I have already gotten email blasts and promotional information from some of you promoting your exhibit so thank you for that!
Just a few reminders…
--Mark your space creatively so they see your front door!
--Forward the below email to your mailing lists to remind them to come to your space – and Hop around the city to see many others! (Let me know if you prefer this image as an attachment and I can forward it to you.)
--Forward the attached trolley pass to your lists… and your friends and family! Everyone rides FREE this year… just print out the pass and/or download it at www.cleveland.com/sparx
--And SPREAD THE WORD any other way… our posters, postcards, etc. This is a great chance to show Clevelanders how thriving our Arts Community is!
Reminder… 200,000 households will receive an 8 page Sparx special section in their Plain Dealer this Friday. The section includes a map, gallery/studio/artist listings, restaurant listings, Sparx concert performances and a lot of great information about the 5 arts districts featured in the Gallery Hop. Please go to the above website to download the map!
Thanks again!