POLITAOKE - Who needs American Idol when you can be a presidential candidate?
This Thursday, September 18, 7:30pm at SPACES
Free and open to the public
Cash bar
Free parking
SPACES and The Lit: Cleveland's Literary Center invite you to deliver the great rhetoric filled speeches of today's most important politicians. Politaoke, a political karaoke bar created by artist Diana Arce, changes the face of politics and karaoke by allowing audience members to take on the role of political leaders. Join us at SPACES, in the gallery (2220 Superior Viaduct, Cleveland, OH 44113), and claim your platform to perform, mock, hear and see clearly what your politicians are saying.
Completely nonpartisan, Politaoke allows participants and audience members to read speeches from a monitor, karaoke style, and decide how to project and interpret each politician's words from past speeches, interviews, and other appearances by American politicians running for office. Over 60 speeches and interviews are available, word for word, only edited into sections (songs) of 1–8 minutes. A series of debates, interviews and television appearances are also provided as duets.
Same night!
OhioVotes joins us to register voters and provide information on all of our current political candidates.
Guests of this event will receive exclusive discounts on memberships to SPACES and The LIT: Cleveland's Literary Center. Guests will also be eligible for discounts on subscriptions to MUSE, The LIT’s quarterly visual and literary arts journal.
This program is presented by: