Asterisk Gallery Announces Counting Days: 17 Artists Respond to 8 Years of Destruction
Tremont ArtWalk, Friday October 10, 2008, 17 artists create work in response to 8 years of the Bush administration.
Counting Days features art as political dissent, largely absent from our current times of historical turmoil. 17 artists counter the apathy and engage in “anti-American activity” to show their true colors as real American Patriots – loyal to the notion of freedom and human rights - concepts our founding fathers died for. Exercising the freedom of speech is patriotic.
The artists respond to a Bush legacy of death, debt and deceit... the erosion of U.S. reputation in international opinion, the environmental destruction and the dismantling of environmental protections, corporate control of government, unprecedented fiscal deficits, collapse of the finance industry and home foreclosures, the disempowerment of the working class and the rejection of minimum wage and living wage, largest discrepancy in private wealth – surpassing that of the Great Depression, shifting of the tax burden and the free-for-all environment granted corporate elites, sanctioning of torture, Guantanamo, the evisceration of the 1st Amendment and American’s personal privacy, granting immunity to communications corporations ordered by the government to disregard federal law, the indoctrination of religion into government, blatant disregard for international law, U.N., World Court and domestic law meant to curtail abuse of the administrative office, education system failure, absent federal response to Katrina and the “cleansing” of New Orleans, the multitude of Americans without healthcare, the demise of competitive bidding in the granting of federal contracts, Blackwater, and an unprecedented effort to privatize Social Security. Did we miss anything?
Artists include:
Scott Bailes, Craig Bungo, Jason Byers, Melissa Daubert, Joe Filak, George Kocar, Julius Lyles, D. Anthony Mahone, Sally Matia, Loren Naji, Ed Raffel, Thaddeus Root, Debra Shepherd, Sign Guy, Steven B. Smith, Daiv Wailey, Beth Wolfe
Asterisk Gallery Opening Friday, October 10th
2393 Professor Ave. Show runs through Nov. 1st
Cleveland, Ohio. 44113 Saturdays or by appointment