Submission Guidelines
• Submissions due September 22 •
• Email your submission to slideshowatMOCA@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it •
1. Digital Images
• Please submit 8-10 images
• All images should be in JPEG format at 100 dpi.
• Please assign each image a file name in this format:
Your initials and the order in which they should be presented:
Example for Jane Doe's first image's file name: jd1.jpeg
2. Image List
• Please list the images in the order in which you would like to present them.
* The text document that accompanies your submission must contain the following information for each image:
-Your Name
-Image title (jd1.jpeg)
-Title of work
-Year created
1. Jane Doe, jd1, Umbrellas, Mixed media, 2007, Dimensions variable
2. Jane Doe, jd2, Portrait, Color Photograph, 2008, 8x10 in.
3. Jane Doe, jd3, Untitled, Color Photograph, 2008, 11x14 in.
3. Artist Statement
The 150-200 word artist statement is meant to briefly introduce your art to the jurors.
This statement will be used as the basis for your slideshow presentation.
4. Questionnaire
Please include the following information in both the body of the email as well in your text file attachment:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number(s)
4. Email Address (the one your check most often)
5. Website URL (if applicable)
6. University, year, degree and area of focus, graduation date
7. Title of project, if applicable
*Checklist for Submissions
All submissions must contain this information in whole to be considered for the slideshow.
Please e-mail slideshowatmoca@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it :
1. 8-10 digital images, with the appropriate file name (Example: jd1.jpeg, jd2.jpeg, jd3.jpeg...)
2. A text document containing:
* An Image list containing: your name, image title (ex: jd2), title of work, media, year and dimensions FOR EACH IMAGE.
* 150-200 word artist statement.
* Questionnaire that includes your contact information and school information.
*Note: Please do not send PowerPoints or PowerPoint slides as your submission!
Attach your 8-10 jpegs and a text document containing
1) your slide list, 2) your artist statement and 3) your questionnaire answers to your submission e-mail.
Email your submission to slideshowatMOCA@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by September 22, 2008.
All selected participants must present the submitted work unless specific arrangements are made otherwise.
Selected participants must provide a current schedule as proof of enrollment.