par·o·dy [ párrədee ]
noun (plural par·o·dies)
1. amusing imitation: a piece of writing, music, or art that deliberately copies another work in a comic or satirical way
2. parodies in general: parodies as a literary or musical style or genre
3. poor imitation: an attempt or imitation that is so poor that it seems ridiculous
transitive verb (past and past participle par·o·died, present participle par·o·dy·ing, 3rd person present singular par·o·dies)
to imitate somebody or something comically: to write or perform a parody of somebody or something
[Late 16th century. Via late Latin< Greek parōidia< para "secondary, indirect" + ōidē "song"]
pa·rod·ic [ pə róddik ] adjective
pa·rod·i·cal [ pə róddik'l ] adjective
pa·rod·i·cal·ly adverb
par·o·dist [ párrədist ] noun