Asterisk Gallery proudly Presents:
works by KRK RYDEN
a DEVO inspired exhibition
Opening Reception - Friday, Aug. 29th
Show runs through Sept. 10th
2393 Professor Ave.
in historic Tremont
* KRK Ryden’s art is a record of mongrel pop culture. His aestheticis informed by comic books, punk rock, and cartoons, while hisworldview is strictly DEVO. KRK's work embraces everyday absurdity anda cartoony view of reality. His paintings are colorful and visuallyappealing reflections on discarded icons, and his graphics arewell-realized snapshots of cartoon life. For over thirty years KRK hasbeen creating illustrations and paintings for underground bands,publishers, and institutions.
* Website - www.krkland.com
* MySpace - www.myspace.com/krkryden