Jocko Dome-o
Jocko Dome-o is a charitable event in which professional andup-and-coming artists from around the country have been invited tocreatively alter their own Energy Dome—the classic headgear made famousby new wave band DEVO, and featured in their 1980 music video ‘WhipIt.’ Participating artists include, but are not limited to:
Kimberly Bailey Bradley Cahill
Sarah Doyle
Kristin Edwards (She-vo)
Laszlo Gyorki
Sharon Iglai
Robert Lara
Julie Marton
Josh Mcleod
Robert Miltenberg
Bruce Perry
Robin ReneƩ
Mal Rorrer
KRK Ryden
Winston Smith
Rev. Ivan Stang
Susie the Floozie
Jeff Warmouth
Byron Werner
Rev. Nickie Wild
The finished pieces will be on display at the Asterisk Gallery onAugust 29th, and will include a variety of styles and techniques, frompaint and collage to fantastic and even utilitarian artwork. The showwill run as companion to KRK Ryden’s Devonian Art Show opening on thesame day. Displayed pieces will be up for sale to benefit the RachelBevilacqua legal fund.* The show hours will be 6-10 pm, and it will beone day only!
*Rachel Bevilacqua (a.k.a. Reverend Mary Magdalen) lost custody of herson after a conservative custody judge was outraged at the fact thatshe is a member of the Church of the SubGenius. As a result ofappearing in a mature natured parody of Mel Gibson's 'The Passion ofthe Christ,' custody of her son was taken from her and awarded to theboy's father (the couple was never married). Rachel and her husbandhave fought a long, expensive battle to win custody of their son, whileher ex-boyfriend's legal costs have been entirely handled by a pro-bonolawyer (who is a friend of his). Legal costs have skyrocketed,exceeding $140,000 as of August 2007.
In a somewhat recent development in the case, however, custody of Rachel’s son has been returned to her, yet the fees remain.
For the full story, go to http://www.modemac.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/Reverend_Magdalen
Opening Reception - Friday, Aug. 29th Show runs through Sept. 10th